Title sheet for 1156 Chapel project
Camera views for 1156 Chapel.
1156 chapel St. project: remodeling a working theater for revit training
During my second year I created an independent study for learning Revit and making a Revit model of the Iseman Theatre at 1156 Chapel Street. The goals of this project were to learn Revit as a design and modeling platform and to create accurate ground plans for productions in the space. Over the course of the semester, I watched instructional videos and read books to learn the use of the software while surveying the space and using that geometry to practice what I had learned. Since the new drawings have been in use, the Drama School has produced six shows in the space and the model has been adjusted accordingly. Currently, production designers are cutting 2D groundplans from the model, but I am hopeful that in the future shows will utilize the power behind BIM workflows.
First floor plan. Note that the walls were placed as-built and not parallel for production purposes
Building sections for 1156 Chapel project.
Title page for theater planning seminar project.
View of seating plan
theater planning seminar design project
In Theater Planning Seminar, we were tasked with designing a 400-seat auditorium based on theater type and sightlines. This project was another opportunity to practice my Revit modeling.
Project section
Camera views from various seats
Sightlining using a Rhino model
Stage-to-audience sightlines
Using digital models for critical visualization: 1120 chapel st new haven ct - yale repertory theatre
While taking a course at the School of Architecture I was amazed at how quickly the students there were able to generate 3D axonometric views from simple 2D plans and sections. I learned that this visualization effort was done using Rhino, a software I had not previously used. I decided to train myself in its use by making a rough model of the Yale Repertory Theatre building, and was surprised at how quickly a robust and useful model was created. While the technical design department at the Drama School has an AutoCAD 3D model, this Rhino model is easier to manipulate and create realistic lines of sight, which are useful for designers and technical managers.
Live sectioning using Rhino
Technical galleries